Mistake #7: Poor Usage of Social Media Channels – Top 10 Social Media Mistakes

Is there really a correct way to use social media channels? Yes and no. It’s going to depend on what you’re using them for. If you’re a teen just using Facebook for the sake of using it then no, there’s not really a proper way to use it. But for business owners who need to maximize their social media efforts, the answer is absolutely yes.

You can’t think of social media as just another way to advertise your products/services. While you can advertise it shouldn’t be all about that (we’ll get to that in mistake #8). Each and every social media platform is unique and should be used for different things. Keep in mind that there will be different rules for all the social media sites as well. For example Twitter only allows you 140 characters to post an update so the etiquette there will be different than Facebook where you have a lot more space. Another difference between these two sites is that you can get away with posting more frequently throughout the day on Twitter than you can on Facebook.

Aside from the different rules and etiquette for each site, there are some other basic ‘rules’ you should follow, like:

  • Don’t be boring – while there isn’t a rule about how to be interesting, think outside the box and find interesting ways you can get your message across.
  • Don’t be offensive – this is pretty much a no brainer but is worth mentioning. Keep that old saying about treating people the way you want to be treated in your head. Just because we’re talking about social media and not being in person with people, it doesn’t mean manners go out the window. You still need to be respectful. Don’t post offensive content – steer clear of sexual, religious and political postings.
  • Don’t be too negative – one of the great things about social media is that you get to ‘let your hair down’ and ‘let loose’ a little. But be careful. If you’re having a crummy day, go ahead and share. But if every day is crummy you shouldn’t continually keep posting about it. People will get sick of too much negativity and unfollow you.
  • Don’t only push your product – one of the quickest ways to use social media incorrectly is by doing nothing but advertising and pushing your product or services. First and foremost you’re there to build relationships not sell! Keep in mind that when you do promote that you shouldn’t just be linking to your stuff. Share other useful resources. Point out other social media profiles that may be useful to your followers.
  • Never badmouth your clients or competitors – you never know who is watching, and the Internet is forever. Rant to your husband or your best friend or your dog – not on Facebook.

So what can you say on social media? Above all else, it’s a conversation. Sure, there might be millions of people involved, but it’s still nothing more than chatting among friends. Treat social media like the “social” space it is, and you’ll be fine.