Do What You Hear: The Final Call to Action

After my conversation with Bishop AJ Wright, a new revelation echoed in my spirit, completing the trilogy of my journey.

I had begun with "Write What You Hear," moved to "Trust What You Hear," and now, the final and most crucial step stood before me: "Do What You Hear."

We all have them - those brilliant ideas, those game-changing projects, those transformative visions. They're tucked away on hard drives, scribbled in Evernote, or jotted down on Post-it notes.

They're the dreams we've held onto, the plans we've made, and the promises we've whispered to ourselves. But they remain just that - ideas, plans, promises. It's time to change that.

This is your clarion call. It's time to roll up your sleeves, dive into those forgotten folders, and bring those ideas to life.

It's time to execute. No more waiting for the "perfect" moment, no more second-guessing, no more letting fear hold you back.

Do it scared. Do it even if you don't have all the answers. Do it because it's what you've been called to do.

Failure? It's a possibility. But remember this: if you fail, fail fast. Learn from it, pick yourself up, and get back in the game.

Every setback is a setup for a comeback. Every mistake is a lesson in disguise. But you'll never know if you don't take that first step.

So, to everyone reading this, take a deep breath, reflect on those dreams and ideas you've shelved for far too long, and make a commitment.

A commitment to act, to execute, to bring those dreams to fruition. It's not enough to just write and trust; you have to do.

The world needs what you have to offer. Your ideas, your projects, your visions - they have the power to change lives, communities, even the world. But they can't do that if they remain hidden away.

So, get to work. Dive into those projects, breathe life into those ideas, and let the world see what you're truly capable of.

Remember, it's not just about hearing; it's about doing. And as you do, may you find the fulfillment, success, and impact you've always dreamed of.

Trust What You Hear: The Next Step in Your Journey

The other day, I was on the phone with Bishop AJ Wright, pouring out my heart about these "crazy" thoughts I was having. Thoughts about business, ministry, and so much more.

Not negative or harmful thoughts, but those that challenge the status quo, that dare to dream bigger and bolder.

As I shared, he paused for a moment and then said to me, "Trust What You Hear." I was taken aback, rendered silent.

He had no idea that a few years ago, I penned an article titled Write What You Hear That article had become my mantra, my guiding light for releasing these "crazy" thoughts from the confines of my mind.

But as I reflected on his words, I realized that writing was just the beginning. It was the first step in a three-part journey.

Writing allowed me to give voice to my innermost thoughts and feelings, to bring them out into the open. But that was just phase one.

Phase two, as Bishop Wright so eloquently put it, is "Trust What You Hear."

We've all been there. That moment when a thought, an idea, or a feeling stirs deep within us. It might seem outlandish, maybe even a little crazy.

But it's there, persistent and undeniable. It's that gut feeling, that inner voice, telling us something important. And it's time we start listening.

"Trust What You Hear." It's more than just a phrase; it's a mantra, a way of life. It's about believing in that inner voice, even when the world tells you otherwise.

It's about pushing past the self-doubt, the second-guessing, and the fear of the unknown.

You see, our gut feelings, those inner nudges, are often our most honest guides. They're raw, unfiltered, and real.

They don't care about societal norms or what's "expected" of us. They just care about the truth. And deep down, we know it. That promise you feel in your heart? It's not a lie. It's as real as the air you breathe.

So, to anyone reading this, take a moment. Reflect. Think about that gut feeling you've been ignoring, that idea you've pushed to the back of your mind.

It's time to bring it to the forefront. Embrace it. Trust it. And then? Go for it. With all you've got.

Remember, life's too short for what-ifs. Trust in yourself, trust in your gut, and watch as the world opens up before you.

The Power of My No

The Power of My No

There is a great book written by Andy Stanley called Choosing to Cheat. In this book, Stanley "addresses the tension felt between the drive for success in the workplace and the significance of healthy relationships at home and finding the balance point."

One of the main principles in Choosing to Cheat is whenever you say Yes to Something, by default You are Saying No to something else. In other words, when you say yes to taking on a new project you are saying no to being home at a certain time.  When you say yes to designing a website over the weekend, you are in turn saying no to going to the beach.

And while this book was mainly about that elusive work-life balance, I have used it in my business to great success.  I know that for every project or client I say yes to, I am saying no to another project and or client.

Having this cognition ever-present allows me to make great decisions about my time, talent, and values as a business.  Whenever I have a decision to make, even something as small as do I meet a potential client for coffee, I do a mental rundown of what am I saying no to in my business. Every conference call,  zoom call, or investment runs through the same mental gymnastics. 

Is my yes opportunity greater than my no responsibilities?

In other words, does saying yes yield greater results than what I said no to.  

If you have ever asked me a question like this, you have most likely noticed I do not answer quickly.  I don’t accept meeting requests quickly.  Because they all need to go through this filter. And folks, it has made me quite successful.   

So what has changed?  

First, let me just say I still believe in the underlying thesis of the book.  How I apply it has changed.

  1. At this stage of my career, my priorities are changing.  I am now at the beginning of the sunset of my life.  
  2. Judging my yes by my no is limiting. 

Let me explain

Listen, if my yes was powerful.  Then my no is equally as powerful.  

My yes creates a no — But my No releases a Yes

My Yes causes me to look at the downside/the cost/ what am I losing - My No causes me to look at the upside/the revenue/ what am I gaining.

Now when I say no — I get excited about what yes opportunities are now available. 


Listen to the Podcast Episode


Over the past few days, I have had the chance to counsel several people in clearly different and separate fields. In all cases, I was led to just say Write What You Hear.

It is not just a divine directive for those people I spoke to, but a clarion call to myself. You see for years, I have had ideas and books boiling inside of me. But fear and obstinacy stopped me from heeding the call I heard.

For days, I will labor over the decision to write something that is rattling around in my brain. But no more. I must now Write What I Hear. This next session is for my religious people.

"And Jehovah answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it."

The call is so strong that even tonight I have had to stay up late just writing what I hear.

Some of it is for public consumption -

Other things are a part of the vision God is giving me for my life.

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions"

Not only must I write what I hear - I have to write what I see. What an awesome responsibility to share with you what I hear and what I see. I have established several writing resources to make writing easier. I will share with you in later posts -

But more importantly. What has God whispered to you in the middle of the night? In the middle of your quiet time, In the middle of your despair. What is he telling you to Write?

My friend please just do it - don't hesitate - don't worry about grammar -

Just Write What You Hear.

You Down

J. Richard Byrd

Persistence Breeds Success – How To Keep Going

Persistence Breeds Success - J Richard Byrd

If you want to improve the quality of your life and achieve your goals, then a vital attitude you need to develop is persistence. You have a bit of it already. Everyone does. However, the amount you have at the moment is not enough to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself. Don’t worry if you can’t seem to persevere most of the time. We have good news for you! You can develop the habit of persistence!

Anyone can desire success and a better lifestyle. That’s easy to do. And it’s also easy to complain about things we don’t have instead of working to get them. The first step to working towards our goals without giving up is by developing a positive outlook. Whenever a negative thought creeps into your mind and makes you doubt, pause for a minute and ask yourself, “Is it that I can’t do this task, or I just don’t want to do it?”

It will surprise you that most of the time, the real reason is that we just don’t want to do it. When this happens, pause and ask yourself why this is the case. Perhaps the task is too challenging for you, or you are tired of trying and failing.

When you replace negative thinking with positive thinking, half of the battle has been won! You’re on your way to becoming a more persistent person! Sometimes when we feel like giving up on something, it just means that we need a break. After getting some time to recharge your system, you’ll be ready to face the task with more energy and enthusiasm. Instead of giving up, just take a break.

Being persistent does not mean that you will never feel like giving up. Everyone feels like giving up at a point. However, a persistent person is one who doesn’t give up even when things get so hard that they want to quit. Instead of giving up, a persistent person will rather search for alternative ways to tackle the problem until it is solved. Being persistent has a profound effect on your self-esteem and self-confidence. As you solve problems without giving up, it gives you a sense of pride and drives you to solve more problems.

To help you develop the habit of persistence, break down your goals into small tasks that you can easily tackle. This will help you stay motivated, as you will be able to tackle each task without much difficulty. You can apply this strategy in any scenario. Whether you are learning a new skill or confronting an unexpected event, this strategy can be helpful.

So, if you ever feel like giving up, take a moment to imagine the pride and satisfaction you will feel when you achieve your goal. Let that desire drive you to keep working and persisting till you hit your target!