Ecclesiastes 3:1 states: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens": The time has now come for me to leave Facebook. I have been preparing for this for over a year. I am the administrator of hundreds of pages...

[caption id="attachment_542" align="alignleft" width="300"] Courtesy of Josh Putnam - Silent Images[/caption] There is a great article about my speech at IgniteCHARLOTTE on their website. First of all if you have not heard of Ignite - You are really missing out on one of the greatest things...

According to those who have been there before, the key to success in law or business school is getting in with the right study group. These partners not only give you buddies to study with, they keep you accountable and on-task. If you let yourself...

The last lesson taught us the importance of not letting one bad pitch, inning, or game ruin your season. This lesson is an extension of that -- not giving up too soon, and also not getting comfortable in what appears to be an easy win. Nine...

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="246" caption="Courtesy of"][/caption] This morning as I got ready for my day – I turned to the old 70’s show “Good Times”. This show, while dated, always seems to have a moral that is still needed in today’s society. In this episode,...

This morning I woke up for the first time in along while, with no other project on mind but my own. I was scared, but yet calm all at the same time. Imagine this late in life, changing business models. You see, I have been...