A Return to Purpose: Five Years in the Making

A Return to Purpose

All we need is a return to our purpose.

Sometimes, God has an uncanny way of sending us signals. A few weeks ago, sitting in a church service, the preacher's words resonated deeply with me.

He spoke of returning to the very space where one had left their path, a spot where detours and distractions had taken them astray. And intriguingly, he mentioned a time frame: five years.

At first, it seemed like just a sermon, a generalization perhaps. But then, as if the universe was conspiring to confirm the message, my social networks began to flood with memories.

Memories from exactly five years ago. Memories of the blog posts I began, the YouTube channels I started, and all the content I was pouring my heart into back then.

It's fascinating how time has a way of bringing things full circle. The very place where I felt I had diverged from my purpose has now become the spot where I find my return.

Today, as I reflect on those memories and the journey I've had over these years, I'm filled with a sense of gratitude. Not just for the lessons learned, but for the clear reminder that our paths, no matter how winding, always lead us back to where we need to be.

Today feels like a new beginning. A rekindling of old passions and dreams, a renewed sense of purpose. To everyone who's ever felt lost or diverted from their true calling, know this: it's never too late to find your way back.

God, in his own mysterious ways, will always guide you home.

Here's to embracing the journey, celebrating the comebacks, and looking forward to what the next chapter brings. đź’› #BackToPurpose #FiveYearsInTheMaking

Winning with Profit First: Elevate Your Business to New Heights!

As an entrepreneur, maximizing profitability is the cornerstone of achieving long-term success. However, many businesses fall into the trap of prioritizing revenue growth at the expense of their bottom line.

Enter Profit First, a transformative concept developed by Mike Michalowicz, is aimed at reshaping the way entrepreneurs manage their finances. In this article, we'll delve into the concept of Profit First and explore why every entrepreneur should adopt it in their business.

Understanding Profit First: A Paradigm Shift in Financial Management:

The traditional formula of sales - expenses = profit places profit as an afterthought. Profit First, on the other hand, flips this equation on its head, emphasizing profit as a primary consideration in financial decision-making.

By adopting this mindset, entrepreneurs allocate a predetermined percentage of their income to profit before any expenses are taken into account. This method encourages conscious spending, drives efficiency, and fosters sustainable growth.

Benefits of Implementing Profit First:

Enhanced Profitability:

Profit First compels entrepreneurs to prioritize profit, leading to a direct improvement in the bottom line. By setting aside profit first, businesses can ensure healthy margins and a stable financial foundation, even during challenging times.

Clear Financial Visibility:

Profit First employs a series of bank accounts designated for specific purposes, such as profit, owner's pay, taxes, and operating expenses.

This compartmentalization provides a clear and accurate snapshot of the financial health of the business.

In addition, entrepreneurs gain real-time insights into their cash flow, enabling them to make informed decisions and take proactive measures.

Aligned Financial Habits:

Profit First nurtures responsible financial habits among entrepreneurs and their teams. By instilling a profit-centric mindset, it encourages prudent spending, expense reduction, and resource optimization.

This alignment ensures that every financial decision made supports the long-term profitability and sustainability of the business.

Action Steps to Implement Profit First:

Assess Your Current Financial Situation:

Begin by analyzing your business's financial health. Evaluate your revenue streams, expenses, and cash flow patterns.

Understanding your current financial reality will help you determine the appropriate profit allocations and establish realistic goals.

Establish Profit Allocation Percentages:

Based on your analysis, you will determine the percentage of revenue allocated to profit, owner's pay, taxes, and operating expenses.

Use these percentages as a guide to create separate bank accounts for each category, ensuring appropriate allocation and utilization of funds.

Regularly Monitor and Adjust:

Regularly review your financial performance and make necessary adjustments to your allocations. Reassess your profit goals, evaluate your expenses, and refine your financial strategy as your business evolves.

By consistently monitoring and adjusting your profit allocations, you'll maintain financial stability and foster a profit-focused culture.

Profit First introduces a revolutionary approach to financial management, empowering entrepreneurs to prioritize profitability, make informed decisions, and achieve sustainable success.

By adopting Profit First, you'll gain clarity, align your financial habits, and drive your business toward increased profitability.

Embrace the Profit First mindset, take proactive action, and watch as your business flourishes on the foundation of profitability.

Seven Goal Setting Mistakes You Should Avoid

Seven Goal Setting Mistakes You Should Avoid

As in life, there are some mistakes you should avoid. If over drinking is sometimes an issue for you, then happy hour on Fridays with the gang, would not be for you.

Goal setting is no different. Have your alert function on high when you start out on your goal setting journey. Here are seven common mistakes you can avoid right now.

  1. You are extremely excited about setting goals. In this state, avoid setting too many goals. This can lead to overwhelm and it is easy to lose focus. Remember you have other obligations in your life and staying energized and focused on one thing at time works best.
  2. Make sure the goals you are setting are, “YOUR,” goals. You need to be totally aligned with your goals and the influence of other people will dilute the motivation you have to complete your goals. It is okay to listen to friends and family in terms of their ideas to maintain harmony. You listen and then internally dismiss what they think you should do. After you write your goals, if they begin to complain, just thank them and say that you gave their ideas great consideration but feel you have set the right path for you.
  3. Time has a way of slipping past you. You need to really think on your goal completion time and factor in all the things that may steal some of your time.  Work hard on proper scheduling and get it down on paper.
  4. So called failure is a character builder. It is how you react to not completing a goal that defines you. Understand that it is possible you may not complete a goal.  This is the time to reflect and see what you can learn from that event. Ask yourself questions. Was this the right goal for me? What roadblocks did I hit and how can I avoid them the next time?
  5. One way to avoid failure to complete a goal, is to make sure the goal is realistic for you. You may have gotten over excited about a big goal and not realized that you were missing a vital skill. This is one reason why you need to ask many questions before setting these big goals. For example, you had a goal of meeting a new life partner and took the steps to attract one. It turned out to be a failure because you did not fully analyze what happened in your last relationship. On reflection, you find out that when talking to a partner, you are not really there. You don’t engage the other person with questions that build rapport. Once that comes to light, you know it is time to work on your communication skills before heading out into the dating world again.
  6. Narrowing your focus too much can be a costly mistake. An example would be you have a goal of getting a promotion to assistant manager within the next three months. You identified what was lacking in the last assistant manager who was asked to leave the company and now you are honed in doing everything necessary to stand out in the crowded pool of candidates. You are putting in the 14 hour days and doing all the right things. After two weeks of being a shining star, you start making mistakes. The issue was you forgot about putting some of that focus into your health goals and your healthy eating habits slipped. After a hard 14 hour day, you accepted an invite to go for a night cap with work friends, instead of heading home and getting in a bit of meditation before sleeping. Your goals have to work hand in hand for you to be successful.
  7. You need to review your progress. Failure to do so, will result in your goals not working for you. In example number 6, that was evident. Instead of doing a quick review at the end of each day, you just put a lot of effort into one area. Reflection would have told you, the way to be at work early in the morning full of energy and focus, would be self-care. In self-care, a snack of veggies and some light yoga or meditation before sleeping would set up your next day perfectly. Review your progress daily and weekly to make necessary adjustments and stay on track.


Table Talks Episode #003 – Building a Mastermind Team

Your team - whether a mastermind (ie people you learn from) or the team you surround yourself with - can and will be one of the most important decisions you make as an entrepreneur. 

In this episode, I discuss a couple of pointers I have learned over the years. Stay tuned for the bonus content. 


The Dash #004 One of the Biggest Mistakes of Business Career

I created a series where I talk about my business mistakes.  One of those mistakes is one where you just want to pound yourself in the head for making.

One of the biggest mistakes I've made it my business,Is that I did not use email properly. Meaning, I did not build an email list fast enough.



Egos Don’t Cash Checks

Him: We should really hookup and see how your knowledge can be used for the community unless you have been warped by the western philosophy and mindset.

Me: The first rule of negotiation or selling is never insult the intelligence of the person you are asking to make the deal. This way of passive-aggressive insulting while asking for a favor is probably why you are going to bed at night lonely with your hand. While I head to the bank and then home to the warm embrace of my wife.

Just so that we don't lose the teachable moment- I went that harsh with the young brother - so that he would see how his words can affect his expected outcome. It wasn't about telling him off. It was about educating him. He did not close the deal but he learned a valuable lesson. And as such, I will probably do a deal with him in the future.

Take home: Don't let your pseudo-intellect keep you from getting your goal. Egos Don't Cash Checks.

What Ambitions Do You Have?

Everyone, both young and old, has a desired goal that he or she strives to achieve. Even children demonstrate ambition when they share their plans of becoming a dentist, doctor or lawyer in future. As we grow, some of us keep most of our ambitions, but how many of them have we achieved? Are we even working to achieve them in the first place?

It’s good to have a dream. It gives you a sense of purpose and gives you something to live for. Why not go a step further to work on your dreams to make them come to pass? Successful people are known for pursuing exactly what they want, and they never allow things to stop them.

One reason why some people are unable to achieve their goals is that it is too large and unrealistic. Such a goal may be too difficult to achieve, and you may end up giving up on the goal even before starting. This is not the right way. Rather, break the goal into smaller friendly sub-goals. Let’s assume that your goal is to build your own home. You can list the steps involved in achieving this goal, and work on them one at a time.

It is very necessary to make every step to achieving your goal very specific and clear. Also, be realistic concerning how long it will take you to achieve it. In achieving the goal of building your home, the first step may be finding a job that pays more. This job transition may require you to receive some additional training, and this will take some time.

It may take a while for you to achieve your goal, but never give up. Keep pursuing it, and remember that every action you take brings you closer to your goal. J.K Rowling, an international bestselling author, has had her share of rejections and failure. She approached several publishing houses before her Harry Potter series were accepted. If she did not have ambition and drive, she would have probably given up after a few tries.

By dividing your goal into sub-goals, you can easily discover the necessary steps to achieve your main goal. Doing this will keep you motivated and on track. When you complete a sub-goal, you’ll feel so proud as you cross if off your checklist. Repeat this strategy, until all your dreams and goals have been achieved.

Remember that your life will not become better if you just sit and wait for a miracle. Your dreams will never be achieved if you do not work towards them. Decide what you want, work towards them, and success will be yours before you know it!

Do You Consider Yourself to be Compassionate?

What does it mean to be compassionate? Well, you can feel sorry for someone who is hurt or sick. However, being compassionate is a lot more than just a ”feeling.”

Compassionate people do not only “feel,” but they act upon how they feel about a specific issue or situation. This is why some people can decide to raise funds for a social cause that they believe in. We see celebrities doing this most of the time, but lots of other people do it too. Some do it by volunteering to work with an organisation that supports a social cause.

You have probably heard about people who travel around the country raising funds for a social issue (like cancer), and you may wonder what drives them to do what they do. They do this because they are passionate about the cause they are supporting. Perhaps they have been affected by cancer before, and they want to help others who are in the same situation. Or perhaps they lost a loved one who died of cancer, and it drove them to show compassion for others who are also battling cancer.

These scenarios may sound extreme, but there are other regular ways through which people show their compassion. In fact, there are lots of business owners who are helping their employees at work by showing them compassion. Most families, these days, have both parents pursuing a career, and finding a daycare for their children can be a bit difficult, as well as expensive. Some employers help to ease this burden by providing a daycare in their workplace. This eliminates the inconvenience of parents driving across town to drop off their children before coming to work. It also means that they can visit their children during breaks, and they are always close by if the child gets sick or if there are any emergencies.

From the example given, you can see that showing compassion is something that everyone can do. So, the next time a loved one gets ill, don’t just say sorry and wish the person a speedy recovery, Instead, see if there is something more you can do for them to show your compassion. All you may need to do is pick a few groceries for them, or even contact a long-distance relative on their behalf.  

You can apply this concept in business too. If your customer has a challenge, find a way to help them out. They may be struggling with something that you can easily help with. Go ahead and show compassion to them, and your kindness will never be forgotten.  

Being Fair and Honest to Others

Everybody likes to be respected and treated fairly. Treating people this way is a sign of showing integrity. Honesty is a big part of integrity and it means speaking the truth when your opinion is sought on any matter. Have you ever made up excuses which are not exactly true? Like turning down an appointment because you had to make a final sale to meet your target? That isn’t integrity.

People of integrity are often considered as leaders in the community. If you want to be seen as a winner in your locality then you must exhibit integrity in all that you do. Work towards becoming a role model for others to emulate. That is when people will start to seek you out.

Giving people your honest opinion at times can be tough. The truth can sometimes be hard to swallow but stick to it. After a while, they will begin to respect your opinion. They will always want to hear what you have to say because you can be trusted.

The business world is run on trust. People with integrity do not cheat others for their own benefit. Even when you have only one product left that you know is defective, don’t sell it to your customer, pretending as if you do not know of the defect. Do the right thing by returning the product to the manufacturer, even if it will mean that you will be out of stock and can’t sell. Tell the truth and let the customer know of the problem at hand and let them know that you are working to have it replaced.

This immediately paints you as an honest businessman in the eyes of your customers and they will appreciate your integrity. Who knows, they may even offer to buy the defective product if it wouldn’t affect its function. You would have earned their trust by being truthful.

Sincere people have an open mind and are always conscious of taking the right steps to achieve the desired goals. People of integrity are normally viewed as humble people who have the interest of others at heart and are selfless.

Due to their honest and sacrificial nature, they normally help others with their time. From raising money to supporting a cause that they truly believe in with their time and presence. People with integrity become role models easily because their deeds often lead others to act like them.