Unclick the Safety Belt.

My wife, who has been having some knee issues, had a hard time getting in the car the other day. I mean it was understandable, we both work very long days. Sometimes 15 hours at a time. So it was understandable that her knee was bothering her, making it difficult to get in and out of the car.

Well when we arrived home, parked the car,  I heard a yell from the other side of the car,

Help ! I Can’t Get Out The Car”. 

I ran, well walked fast, around to the other side to see if her knee had totally given out. My son who was traveling with us- jumped out of the car and rushed to her side. That is when I heard —

“Never Mind, I’m Ok. I forgot to take off my Safety belt.”

Why is this important? I started wondering how many of us have in our lives put on a safety belt to keep us safe during the trip. But, when we arrive at the destination we forget to take it off? For some of us, the safety belt is family, career, thoughts, money or a myriad of others things.  We keep these things so tightly closed around us that we can’t walk in to Destiny —

So my friend, if you feel like you can;t move into your purpose, your chosen destination. I want you to check and see if you still have the safety belt clicked. You Have Arrived at Your Destination. It Is time to Unclick the Safety Belt.