A few weeks ago on one of my many trips to Atlanta, I saw a guy relieving himself on a side of the road. What caught me about this guy, is that he was 10 feet past the exit, and I could clearly see yeah just passed a rest area a mile before.

So I asked myself, why is this guy doing this on the side of the road. The answer was simple, you didn’t stop at the rest area. Which led me to the question why? Maybe you didn’t see it. Maybe thought he could make it to the next one. Maybe he thought he didn’t need one.

In any case, he found himself in a position but I’m sure didn’t work for him. I’m sure the position was an embarrassing position, I mean who wants to find himself on the side of the world relieving himself while thousands of people pass by.

In life we are the same — We have been given many chances to just rest. There is clearly defined signs that offer us a chance to pull over, rest and if need-be relieve ourselves. Over the past 3-4 months I have found myself fighting all kinds of illness; fatigue, stress, high blood pressure borderline diabetes, severe depression, serious weight gain, etc.

What my doctor taught me. Most of my ailments could be related to the fact that I don’t rest. I sleep a little, but I don’t rest. I am always thinking, strategizing, visioning, everything but just resting. As a result, I found myself doing and saying crazy things, lashing out at love ones and basically falling apart. I tell you these 2 stories because I want you to really understand the take home for this.

The take home is simple:

If you don’t take full use of the rest areas in life. You will find yourself doing private things in public places.