Plugged in But Not Connected

This morning as I went to the gym I noticed my phone was running low on battery. So I did as I have done on many occasions, I attached it to the charger and left the room. When I returned, I noticed that the device was not charged. I mean it had all the right connections but, was dead.

Plug in the phone, Plugged into the wall. But yet no charge. It seemed that I was plugged in but not fully connected. For all intents, on the outside I appeared to be plugged in, but not all of the contact parts where connected.


That got me to thinking. How many times have you thought you were plugged in, but in reality you were not connected. You thought that your close proximity to greatness, or to certain people, would get you into the “party”. But at the end of the day you may be plugged in, but you are not connected.

In relationships this happens all the time, you have all of the ends in the right places, but in fact, you are just plugged in and not connected.

I charge you (pun intended) to go and verify your connection, before you end up like me today, Needing to make a connection, but finding that you have been plugged in all this time, but never connected.