26 Mar Persistence Breeds Success – How To Keep Going
If you want to improve the quality of your life and achieve your goals, then a vital attitude you need to develop is persistence. You have a bit of it already. Everyone does. However, the amount you have at the moment is not enough to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself. Don’t worry if you can’t seem to persevere most of the time. We have good news for you! You can develop the habit of persistence!
Anyone can desire success and a better lifestyle. That’s easy to do. And it’s also easy to complain about things we don’t have instead of working to get them. The first step to working towards our goals without giving up is by developing a positive outlook. Whenever a negative thought creeps into your mind and makes you doubt, pause for a minute and ask yourself, “Is it that I can’t do this task, or I just don’t want to do it?”
It will surprise you that most of the time, the real reason is that we just don’t want to do it. When this happens, pause and ask yourself why this is the case. Perhaps the task is too challenging for you, or you are tired of trying and failing.
When you replace negative thinking with positive thinking, half of the battle has been won! You’re on your way to becoming a more persistent person! Sometimes when we feel like giving up on something, it just means that we need a break. After getting some time to recharge your system, you’ll be ready to face the task with more energy and enthusiasm. Instead of giving up, just take a break.
Being persistent does not mean that you will never feel like giving up. Everyone feels like giving up at a point. However, a persistent person is one who doesn’t give up even when things get so hard that they want to quit. Instead of giving up, a persistent person will rather search for alternative ways to tackle the problem until it is solved. Being persistent has a profound effect on your self-esteem and self-confidence. As you solve problems without giving up, it gives you a sense of pride and drives you to solve more problems.
To help you develop the habit of persistence, break down your goals into small tasks that you can easily tackle. This will help you stay motivated, as you will be able to tackle each task without much difficulty. You can apply this strategy in any scenario. Whether you are learning a new skill or confronting an unexpected event, this strategy can be helpful.
So, if you ever feel like giving up, take a moment to imagine the pride and satisfaction you will feel when you achieve your goal. Let that desire drive you to keep working and persisting till you hit your target!