A few weeks ago on one of my many trips to Atlanta, I saw a guy relieving himself on a side of the road. What caught me about this guy, is that he was 10 feet past the exit, and I could clearly see yeah...

Architect Thom Mayne has never been one to take the easy option, and this whistle-stop tour of the buildings he's created makes you glad for it. These are big ideas cast in material form. htpp://www.churchbrandarchitects.com htpp://www.jrichardbyrd.com htpp://www.macyourministry.com...

Today, as I looked through my newspaper clippings on the Internet. I came across an article from Facebook. This article was very interesting because it asked a specific question that got me thinking and thinking hard. The question although innocuous , pierced me to my...

Several years ago I came across a book called Choose to Cheat, by Andy Stanley.  In this book Andy, goes on to describe that at any given time you are making decisions that pit you against your work or your family. Andy says that when you...

I struggle with what is going to be my New Year's resolution. In fact like many of you, I come up with great ideas but never seem to actuate those ideas during the new year. Until last year.[Tweet " Last year I decided that I...

Earlier today, while working out in the gym I sent my assistant something using iMessage on my iPad. While it toiled and struggled my iPad could not connect properly to the wifi. I had full bars but no connection: (that will have to be another...

This is one of the videos that have transformed my life.  In a nutshell -- do you want to live your life in an effort to build your resume or to build an eulogy/legacy. [ted id=1973]...