01 Jun Will You Help!!!!!
Dear Friends,
Hope all is well. As some of you may know, this past April we started on one of the most exciting, yet one of the hardest, journeys of our lives; we started the eXperience charlotte (http://www.theexperienceclt.com) . The eXperience is a church and a para ministry focusing on Jesus Christ through the arts and multi-media. The vision is to create an experience that changes lives, compels people to Christ, and celebrates Jesus. It is simple. Love God, Love People, and Prove it Daily. Already young people from all over are flocking to get to our services to experience Jesus. To God be the Glory.
Many of you know me. I have freely given information, helped you achieve your dreams, or been there with a listening ear. I am not good with asking for help. But your HELP is what we need and quickly.
We have an opportunity to solidify our worship facility for the summer. In order to that we need to raise $1000.00 – $5000.00 quickly. Not an impossible feat. Especially with your assistance.
Here are the details. Go right away to http://www.theexperienceclt.com and hit the give button. Some you that could write a check for the whole sum. (Not going to stop you) for the rest of you, just donate $10.00; go ahead you can do it.
Why is this important?
I sat at my son graduation a couple of days ago and saw thousands of people. Among them where 400 students graduating. Although a day of great celebration, I was burdened with the fact that many of them may never hear about Jesus. I cannot live with that statistic and neither should you. There is an opportunity to make a great difference and positive impact in this community. WILL YOU HELP?
I want to challenge you to give to this ministry because our “bottom line” is much different than the world’s…it is souls. Let’s face it – ministry is costly. Excellence in Ministry is Expensive.
Please make checks payable to The eXperience Church and mail to “the eXperience charlotte, 5634 Timbertop Lane Charlotte, NC 28215 or make a secure donation online at our website, www.theexperienceclt.com.
I am thanking you in advance for your prayers as the ministry grows. Your seed has been planted.
experience love * experience liberty * experience life