03 Oct Why Posting Once a Week Is Holding You Back: The Power of 150 Chances a Month to Change Your Life
“If you’re only giving yourself 4 chances a month to change your life, you’re already losing.”
I watched a video the other day on Instagram that has me thinking about my content, posting strategy in a different light. The speaker broke down how he went from posting once a week—giving himself just four or five chances to change his life in a month—to posting five times a day.
That’s 150 chances every single month. It clicked for me. While consistency is key, increasing frequency multiplies the opportunities to be seen, heard, and remembered.
Let’s do the math. Posting once a week gives you 52 chances a year to connect with your audience. But when you start posting five times a day, you’re giving yourself 150 chances a month, which totals 1,800 chances a year.
That’s 34.6 times more opportunities to be noticed, to have your message land, and to make an impact. Imagine someone seeing your content nearly 2,000 times a year—someone’s going to remember your name.
Now, do you need to post five times a day? I’m not sure that’s up to you to decide. But do you need to increase your chances of getting noticed?
That’s emphatically a yes.
The math doesn’t lie.
Consistency plus frequency equals results.
So now, go make your own decision.