My Weekly Routine

5363318235 03421e2084 My Weekly Routine

Every since I worked in the law office, I have had a routine that has worked wonders for me. Routines by their very definition help to get you going in a certain direction, even if you don’t really feel the urge to do something.This system allowed me to run multiple companies and multiple offices all at the same time. Although modified a little from my days as a “power exec”.

My routine is very simple.

Sunday Night –
On Sunday nights, I like to go through my email and answer any emails I missed during the week –
I schedule any follow-up
Confirm all meetings for the week
Tag (star) any important emails.
Zero out my inbox – In gmail that means I have archived all messages in the inbox so that my inbox is clean.
I also try to pre start or clear any issues or matters that take less than 2 minutes to fix or complete.
Read through the newsletters/promos/blogs that have piled up throughout the week

On Monday Morning I grab a quick cup of tea (I have given up coffee for a while – I miss you).
I go to my whiteboard and I write all of the major projects that have to be complete that week.
Mark off the ones completed.
Move the uncompleted to the top of the list.
5363930570 f1f34b6b52 My Weekly RoutineDelegate the assignments.
I listen to a motivating podcast or watch a motivating video. Anything that stimulates my mind and spirit.

I have found that by keeping this routine it really sets up my week and I am more productive. What systems or routines do you use? Comment below.