01 Mar My Weekly Routine
Every since I worked in the law office, I have had a routine that has worked wonders for me. Routines by their very definition help to get you going in a certain direction, even if you don’t really feel the urge to do something.This system allowed me to run multiple companies and multiple offices all at the same time. Although modified a little from my days as a “power exec”.
My routine is very simple.
Sunday Night –
On Sunday nights, I like to go through my email and answer any emails I missed during the week –
I schedule any follow-up
Confirm all meetings for the week
Tag (star) any important emails.
Zero out my inbox – In gmail that means I have archived all messages in the inbox so that my inbox is clean.
I also try to pre start or clear any issues or matters that take less than 2 minutes to fix or complete.
Read through the newsletters/promos/blogs that have piled up throughout the week
On Monday Morning I grab a quick cup of tea (I have given up coffee for a while – I miss you).
I go to my whiteboard and I write all of the major projects that have to be complete that week.
Mark off the ones completed.
Move the uncompleted to the top of the list.
Delegate the assignments.
I listen to a motivating podcast or watch a motivating video. Anything that stimulates my mind and spirit.
I have found that by keeping this routine it really sets up my week and I am more productive. What systems or routines do you use? Comment below.