WANTED 100 Men!

by James L. Walker, Jr.

Editor Note:  This is a reprint from my friend and colleague James L. Walker.  I felt it warranted a larger audience. So I am reposting here on my blog:

WANTED 100 Men!

Transparency-with-ClientsAs we go thru this Lent Season and prepare for Easter and just simply seek to grow in all ways, I am asking as Many Men Who Can And Will to be Transparent With Me And Repeat this Prayer and Pledge With Me —

“Lord, I Thank You For This Day and I Thank You for this Season and for being in My Life! I Ask you to Make Me A Better Man, Father, Husband, Brother, Uncle, Son, Grandfather, Nephew, God Father, Step-Son, Step-Dad, Mentor, and Person Period! Lord You Know My Struggles and Insecurities and what hinders my transformation to be what you have called and preordained me to be! So please break, stomp out and shatter all of those childish things that have blocked my path and my blessing.

Lord restore that which needs restoration and remove that which is hindering my Growth Spiritually, Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and Economicallly! This is My Prayer as a MAN, Humbly Submitted!” Men if you Co-Sign, Let Me Hear You with A Comment or Click “like” Below with transparency or Inbox Me! Ladies please sign on as well with a POSITIVE comment or “like” and support of our BROTHERS who, believe it or not, want to do better, but sometimes our pride and egos get the best of us!

God spoke to me last night and ask me to Post This–not sure who it is for beyond myself, but I have to be obedient and I Love all you brothers so dearly! Many Brothers have asked me about holding it all together and that is in essence the weekly and daily Prayer I recite–nothing deep about it! #Transparency#