Why I Use a Content Creation Calendar

As the owner of a small business, with a small team of employees, I am often interrupted from my pre-planned schedule. Having a content creation schedule allows me to stay on track even when my daily schedule goes off track.

For example this morning, I went into my office with all intentions of completing my work load. Well, as luck would have it, I receive a phone call, pertaining to a family emergency. While an emergency, it did not require I leave immediately to take care of it. But it was an emergency enough that it threw off my game plan.

If you are like me, I am sometimes so programmed in my head for what I am going to do and complete in a given time. When I am thrown off that game plan, I find myself just floating in the wind. Well this is what happened on today. My mind was so consumed with the information I had received, that I just sat there looking at a blank screen wondering what I was supposed to do.

This is where the content calendar plays its biggest part. With one glance at the calendar I could see that today I am supposed to create 5 blogs on 5 subjects. That was enough to get the ball rolling and get my day back on track. Not only did it get me back to writing, but the writing eased my mind. That truly saved my day.

Are You Using a Content Creation Calendar and if so please share.