Try Again

Earlier today, while working out in the gym I sent my assistant something using iMessage on my iPad. While it toiled and struggled my iPad could not connect properly to the wifi. I had full bars but no connection: (that will have to be another blog post) And so as a result my messaged read “Not Delivered”.

I thought somehow that this would fix itself once I got to a different signal. You know somehow, the message would magically send because now I am connected. Well Lo and Behold, when I got into the office and the iPad connected, it still read “Not Delivered”.

Not to be deterred, I clicked the little info button next to my message and up popped this alert. The alert is not what is important. It is the instructions, underneath that made all the difference in the world to me. 2 words — TRY AGAIN.

I want to talk to someone who has tried to send a message or do something in the past that just didn’t connect. Maybe there is a project or even a relationship that you wanted to work in the past, but it just didn’t seem to work out.

Could it be that at the time you were disconnected form the source of your strength. I mean the bars said connected but the message just didn’t get through. Well my friend that was then and this is now. You may need to Try Again.

I am at a point in my life right now where stuff I have tried to set in motion, seeds I have planted, things that I thought would never happen are starting to come back to me. I mean these were things that I flat out failed. But I am hearing so in my spirit so strong the words TRY AGAIN. So I leave this as encouragement to you. Look back at your life, look at old opportunities, then pick yourself off the ground — TRY AGAIN.