My Job and Joy in life is to empower people to Think Big to Push the Limit, to Live a Life Unchained. My breadth of experience runsJ Richard Byrd Teaching with Robin Ware the gamut from Real Estate to Social Media to Business Development and Music. I have been told that I have the ability to make complicated concepts in clear terms that people can understand. All of these things come down to a few points, Think Big, Create a Plan, and Overcome Obstacles.

What You Can Expect

Here’s what you can expect from me and my team:

Prompt, professional replies to your phone calls and email messages.

A personal phone consultation with me prior to your event, so I can better understand how I can best serve you and your audience.

An announcement about your event on my blog and social media channels. (This assumes that your event is open to the public and you want additional visibility for it.)

A professionally prepared, dynamically delivered presentation focused on achieving the outcomes you want with your audience.

A custom resource page, exclusively created for your attendees. It will include the slides I used in the presentation, along with links to books, articles, and other resources I believe will be helpful.

A quick follow-up communication after the event, to make sure I met your expectations. (I also want to know how you think I can improve).


My Most Requested Topics

I speak on topics related to leadership, life balance, productivity, and social media. I will customize my presentation to meet your organization’s specific needs. My goal is to facilitate the outcome you want to create.

I am an educator at heart.  Every speech I give is handcrafted and prepared for each audience.  I am regularly sought out nationally as a speaker on issues of social media, business development, technology, real estate, music, and church growth.

My most requested topics include the following. Keep in mind that I can present these as a keynote or a workshop. Also, I have a half-day, and in some cases, a full-day seminar version. Please click on the “More” link at the end of each topic description for more detail.

 My Video Clips