19 Sep Take Off Your Clothes (My Tribute to My Grandfather)
Today marks the one year anniversary of my grandfather’s passing. One year ago, I spent the morning calling relatives and relaying the news.
I thought I was prepared. But I was not. What I have realized over the last year is that I had been in a huge depression for several years. A downward spiral that was stealing my creativity. I was preparing not for the death of my grandfather, but I had been preparing my own death. Death of my dreams, death of my calling, and the death of my destiny. A slow painful death where I just let it go, without care.
A funny thing happened when my grandfather died. I wrote a blog post that was called “Lessons From My Grandfather”. You can read it here. In this blog post I listed several lessons I had learned throughout the years of my grandfather living with me. This blog went on to become a talk and presentation and basically a battle cry from my soul. You see my grandfather didn’t leave me in sadness. He left me with gladness. He left me a blueprint for success. A reset if you will. He left me with the gift of HOPE and DETERMINATION.
Even in his old age he was willing to learn new things. Like sitting in the hospice with an iPod and Skyping with my son on the computer. My grandfather was privileged to cast his last vote for president for as he called it the “Black Boy”. The look on his face as we stood in line was priceless. He believed in pushing the envelope, breaking ground, and squeezing the best out of life.
Over the last year, we as a family have spent a lot of time reflecting. We have simplified our lives. Downsized. And Prepared. Not for death, but prepared for Life. The year of mourning is over. Time to move forward. Time to live out the legacy. Time to deliver this family into the land of destiny.
Today I am reminded of a passage of scripture, in 2 Samuel Chapter 12, the story is told of David crying for his son. David cried and cried. Fasted and Prayed. Wore sackcloth and placed ashes on his head. But to no avail. The Lord allowed David’s son to die. The death was devastating, but that is not where you should place your concentration. Let me call your attention to the 20th verse. After David learned of his son’s death, the Bible records this;
“Then David got up from the ground. After he had washed, put on lotions and changed his clothes, he went into the house of the Lord and worshiped.” (NIV).
After the pain was over – he washed, put on lotion, changed his clothes, and praised the Lord.
My friend here is what I am saying. Today I declare the Pain is over. The Mourning is over. Your Past Mistakes are Dead. NOW GET UP OUT OF DEPRESSION. Go Wash your self of self-hatred, woe is me, and self doubt. Put on the lotion of peace, love, and kindness. Clothe yourself with excellence, success, and determination. Get a praise in your mouth and declare that this is a new day and a new season.
Yesterday was sadness, but today is Praise.
Thank You Olin Clark for the Lessons. I hear you, but more importantly I can hear God again. I’ve washed myself. My Lotion is On, and I have Changed my Clothes. Now excuse me while I praise. I may not know the words but I do know how to praise. Watermelon Watermelon.