Nothing to Do – But Win

41213-whether-i-win-or-loseThis morning I woke up for the first time in along while, with no other project on mind but my own. I was scared, but yet calm all at the same time. Imagine this late in life, changing business models. You see, I have been so successful in past ventures, that I have lost my hunger. Now being successful doesn’t mean there were no hard times or no failures, just I have played it relatively safe. I realized in order to really push myself to my next level I had to deconstruct and start to think like a start-up.

Let me confess, this might become a blog post itself, I am a serial entrepreneur. I like starting businesses. I like helping business get started. I love the point when the light bulb goes off, and you see that a client gets it. I love the art of the deal, putting it together, working out the pieces, and creating the strategy. Hey face it I like WINNING! 

Which brings me back to this morning. While I did not have anything to do, I felt the creative blood coursing through my veins. That was a WIN! I started to see my vision of a new type of company literally create itself as I typed my thoughts. WIN! I felt God talking to me prophetically. WIN! More importantly, I saw the light. WIN!

The light that my life is not over, my projects are not completed, and my work in the world is not done. Whether in business, ministry, or at home, I have work to do. I posted on Facebook a few weeks ago. Byrd is Back. And guess what?  I have Nothing to Do But WIN!  THROW YA HANDS UP!!!!!!!!