GoodBye Time Warner Cable ( Why I Shut off My Cable)

Yes I did it. I finally turned off the cable in our house. Why you asked? Well it was a myriad of reasons. And I will list them.

  1. The family really doesn’t watch that much TV- it usually watches us;
  2. I felt the need to study and read more (miss that reading);
  3. We have subscription (takes care of movies and some series )
  4. We have and;
  5. This will force me write more without distractions;
  6. Youngest son grades have been slipping. (See above – less distractions);
  7. The cable bill was topping $200.00 a month- Money can be invested elsewhere for better return;
  8. Hoping it will promote more family time;
  9. Hoping it will promote more family conversation; and

I think we as a people have created too many “got to have” necessities. I have been for the last few years simplifying my life. Getting rid of some of the constant distractions. This will give us a time to be creative with out talking heads and people yelling at us all the time.  Well, we will see how this experiment goes. I will keep you posted.  What have you cut out of life in the last year or so?  Tell us what and why.

J. Richard Byrd