Deleting the Extra

Just finished the morning – Deleting 170 Gigs of duplicate, misplaced, and extraneous files.   Just like in life, you never know how much extra you pick up in the hard drive of your mind, your heart, and just your space.

Misplaced – 

Over the years I have dealt with feelings that, although not detrimental to me, were in the wrong place.  Misplaced feelings or emotions will devastate your effectiveness.  Not because they are bad, but because they are misplaced.  Many times you get frustrated at your family only to find out later that the frustration was related to your job – and you were taking it out on your family.  This is an example of being misplaced.

Duplicate – 

As a result of having misplaced files, I would often find myself downloading duplicate files (to save time) but only to find that I had 3 or 4 of everything and can’t remember which file is the original (right) one. Duplicate Emails, duplicate files, duplicate pictures. This one doesn’t have to be deep. What do you have in your space that is duplicated. More importantly what are you trying to duplicate that someone has already shown you the way or invented. What have you taken from your past and duplicated in your present. I just might be time to clean out your duplicates.

Extraneous –

I found a program that will go through your hard drive and delete extraneous language files. It seems every program you download or load on your computer comes with files for various languages. Although this seems like a worthwhile endeavor at the end of the day – you will probably never speak Russian or Chinese.

I thought I would only find a couple of files – I actually deleted 10 gigs of extraneous language files from my computer.  What are you downloading from the universe that is doing you no good?  Some of us download attitudes and perceptions from our friends. We download biases and prejudices.  These are things that are not helping you to get to the next phase of your life.

All of these things are not helping you to get to the next phase in your life. Take a moment to take inventory of your life, your space, your relationships, and see what you can delete.  As it certainly made my computer move faster, I promise it will help you achieve your dreams faster.

J. Richard Byrd