How I Create a Blog in 5 Minutes

My friends, I think I’ve finally found it. I have finally found the productivity app that will solve a lot of the issues I have been having with my efficiency. Let me tell you I am now using the Dragon Dictate. It has taken a long time for me to justify the cost. Because the Dragon Dictate can cause at least for the Mac up to $200. But I think of the PC you can find for little less than that. Somewhere around $49 $259.

purchase dragon dictate 3.0 for a discounted priceWhat is good about this Dragon Dictate, has been my ability to speak my posts. Now I’ve done dictation or let me say I’ve done recording audio and speaking out my post for my years. Below that happens I would either have to hire a transcription is, or retype what I dictated to myself.

With Dragon Dictate I have a choice of talking directly into the post. Which, by the way is what I’m doing right now. This entire post is being dictated using my microphone on my desktop directly into WordPress. Or I can use an app on my iPad and record my post.  Then have Dragon Dictate transcribe that post back into WordPress for me.

Let me tell you what this is done for me from her productivity angle.
What is allowed me to do is to do somewhere around 300 to 500 words, in five minutes. Imagine what I can get done now that I can do my blog posts and roughly 5 minutes.
I can’t take a lot of credit for this. I learned this from Robert Plank, whom I was introduced to by Michael McCrimmon. Robert has a wonderful podcast and you have to go check it out. In his podcast he talks about how to do blog posts in five minutes. And even though again I knew how to, talk out my blog posts. It didn’t make a lot of sense to me until I found a transcription that really really works.

Along comes Dragon Dictate. I am now able to really accomplish exactly what I hear in my head without ever having to really touch the keyboard. Now let me tell you what is really interesting, is that the accuracy is absolutely phenomenal. It is getting most of my words correct. I’m going to say roughly around 90%. That is absolutely incredible especially with my southern drawl.

Now it took me roughly 5 minutes to train Dragon Dictate to understand what I was saying. I have not had to go back in and retraining as of yet. But I will just to see if I can get it up to 99%. So if you’re looking for a way to become more efficient in doing your blog posts I totally suggest getting the Dragon Dictate program.

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