01 May Choosing to Cheat
Several years ago I came across a book called Choose to Cheat, by Andy Stanley. In this book Andy, goes on to describe that at any given time you are making decisions that pit you against your work or your family. Andy says that when you put your job first you are cheating your family and when you put your family first, you cheat your job. This issue is that regardless of what you do, You have chosen to cheat. Some thing is going to be cheated. The issue is what do you choose.
Cheating requires some hard choices. Changes in my job. Downsizing my lifestyle. It required sacrifices. I also had to change the expectation of my clients. I had to give away my Blackberry, set-up actual business hours and not take calls after a certain time. This perhaps was one of the hardest things to do. But the benefits have been marvelous. For the first time in a long time, I can breathe. I didn’t realize that I had been holding my breath climbing a success ladder. My bonding with my family grew. I got to share the last high school years with my boyz pouring into them. And Frankly being loved on by them.
Life with my wife has improved immensely. Have you ever stopped and taken a look at someone that you have known for years and think I don’t know them at all. We have been able to spend quality time together and really get to know each other at a whole different level. My decision then became very simple. At the end of the day did I want financial success and a messed up home life, or did I want a healthy family. I chose Family. — I Chose to Cheat.
Tell me Your story – Have you ever Chose to Cheat.