If you have ever worked for yourself or worked alone, you will at some time notice you lack focus.  The kids, the TV, Internet, and some times just the complete silence take you out of your prime zone. Maybe you are like me and you...

On my Mac - I have a small program that allows me to clean up extra added weight to my computer.  These are useless files and items cached in my browsers that make my computer slow. Extra language files and essentially a bunch of stuff...

This by far has to be the best $15 I've spent on an app, in a very long time. Anti-Social is an app that has increased my productivity at least 40% since I got it. If you're like me, or you work in the social...

My friends, I think I've finally found it. I have finally found the productivity app that will solve a lot of the issues I have been having with my efficiency. Let me tell you I am now using the Dragon Dictate. It has taken a...