I Got this advice last night and it was some of the best advice I have received. It is simple.   GET OUT OF THE WAY LET GOD DO WHAT HE IS GOING TO DO AND YOU JUST AGREE WITH IT. Simple -...

Today marks the one year anniversary of my grandfather's passing. One year ago, I spent the morning calling relatives and relaying the news. I thought I was prepared. But I was not. What I have realized over the last year is that I had been in a huge depression for several years. A downward spiral that was stealing my creativity. I was preparing not for the death of my grandfather, but I had been preparing my own death. Death of my dreams, death of my calling, and the death of my destiny. A slow painful death where I just let it go, without care. A funny thing happened when my grandfather died. I wrote a blog post that was called "Lessons From My Grandfather". You can read it here. In this blog post I listed several lessons I had learned throughout the years of my grandfather living with me. This blog went on to become a talk and presentation and basically a battle cry from my soul. You see my grandfather didn't leave me in sadness. He left me with gladness. He left me a blueprint for success. A reset if you will. He left me with the gift of HOPE and DETERMINATION.

This story touched me this morning. I hope it inspires you as well. Joseph "Gabe" Sonnier used to clean up after everyone at Port Barre Elementary in Port Barre, La. Now, the former janitor is the principal at that school. The journey to his promotion began in 1985...

Like many of you, I have been saddened by the death of Nelson Mandela. While I looked for ways to speak about what his life and his struggle meant to me, I came across this quote from his grandson Zwelabo. Zwelebo Mandela is a student...