Be Mindful of What You Post

One of the reasons you have to be very careful about what you like or comment on social media, if you are not careful — the algorithm of social media will keep you in the same cycle.

2015-05-27_09-29-21Yesterday, I posted an article where I discussed depression. It was not the whole article, just a couple sentences. Lo and behold, on today when I open up my Facebook account, I was presented with this sponsored ad.

An ad on how to cure my depression. What is interesting, is that again this was just a sentence within a larger article. Facebook saw that post, analyzed the comments that people were making to assume that I was suffering from depression right now.

While this can be a good thing. It can also have bad effects for some people.

I’ve also noticed that people who post negative things, like negative things, or comment on negative things, tend to receive those types of things in their newsfeed. I believe this perpetuates the same mood swings that a lot of people suffer from. So, be mindful what you post. But more importantly, realize that your newsfeed maybe keeping you in a negative cycle. Break the cycle, post something opposite.